Welcoming Congregation

Spirit of Life, if you have a lesson for us, it is that all life is beautiful. How can anyone ever tell us we are anything less that beautiful, anything less than whole?

Brian Kiely

We the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, but we value a diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift. We strive to create an inclusive religious communities and to work for LGBTQ justice and equity.  All of who you are is sacred. All of who you are is welcome.

Our congregants come from a range of religious and socioeconomic backgrounds and we value the diversity that each individual brings to our growing congregation. Our mission and covenant guide us to ensure a safe and compassionate community, seek our spiritual truths, affirm our interdependence, celebrate our differences, and create a thoughtful and harmonious voice for progressive religion.


Pronoun Buttons  Name-tags?

(Available both at the Welcome and  Social Justice Tables) 

1. They make it easy to know which pronouns to use when you aren’t sure. 2. They allow people with uncommon pronoun-sets to communicate them easily. 3. They prompt a conversation about gender and raise awareness that gender is complicated. 4. They create a welcoming environment for people of all genders.

Read More on our Social Justice Blog



LGBTQ Engagement & Fellowship Opportunities

LGBTQ Group- A LGBTQ Social group is currently in the formation stage, and would love to have you join in. This group will be open to all LGBTQIA+ people and allies. To get involved email us.

Trans Affirming Collective – An Action Team of the Social Justice Committee:  The mission of the Trans Affirming Collective is to encourage our UU community to celebrate people of all gender identities through education, advocacy, and collaborative solidarity. They meet monthly at the church, for more information please email the TAC Team.