Faith Development and Fellowship bring you our 4th Wednesday Post Potluck Programming. 

4th Wednesday Conversation
4th Wednesdays, May 2022-June 2023, 7-8:30 p.mIn-person in the Fireside Room, or simultaneously on Zoom:
Each month, the 4th Wednesday team—John Harkey, Jeff Stein, Tony Tyler, and Philip Vest—will bring you a conversation focused on a timely subject. The May topic featured John Harkey sharing about how FUUN can lower its environmental footprint by participating in the Nashville Electric Service Solar Farm program, including updated information on TVA’s power sources, and how participation in the NES solar farm can make a difference.

Visit the Faith Development website for all offerings.

June 22:  Our June host will be the FUUN Immigration Action Team Pat Lynch and Linda D’Errico: 

FUUN Social Justice Immigration Action Team supports refugees from Afghanistan:
Several people at FUUN have been volunteering to mentor, drive, donate items, or otherwise help refugees, from Afghanistan, arriving in Nashville in the later part of 2021. This volunteer work will now come under the Social Justice Immigration Action Team. For the first several months (up to 8) the refugees were supported by a matching grant from the federal government. Two agencies in Nashville managed the grant and provided the matching funds and resources. The financial support provided by the federal government is ending for the first wave of refugees (539 came to Nashville) but most of these families still have a steep learning curve and a need for additional support. Case management Services and employment support are still available for these families for up to 5 years, if needed.

If you are interested in mentoring a family for a month or more, or in driving people to get to specific appointments, please contact click here and complete an application. This work requires a background check and fingerprinting. There are 70 Afghan households that still need this kind of support. If you are interested in supporting the families with donations of other kinds, specific needs for items will be shared. These items can be brought to church and those of us working with the families will coordinate delivery. If you are interested in hearing more about this, there will be a presentation at 7 p.m., on June 22, after our Wednesday Night Potluck Dinner in the social hall by Linda D’Errico and Pat Lynch

Wednesday Night Potluck Dinners
Join us for our weekly Potluck Dinner in the social hall from 6 to 7 p.m. Bring a dish enough for at least six. Water and cups are provided. Disposable plates and utensils are also provided…but please consider bringing your own.

On the 4th Wednesday of the month, immediately after the dinner, there will be an interactive adult education activity. The dinner and activity are presented by the Fellowship Committee with Faith Development.  Specifics on the 4th Wednesday educational offerings will be listed on the Faith Development website page as well as here when information is available. 

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