Mid-week Message

from our Developmental Lead Minister

May 18, 2021
diane smaller
“I believe that gratitude is the appropriate religious response to the nature of the universe.”
-Rev. Galen Guengrich, Senior Minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in New York and author of The Way of Gratitude

In my life I have learned that generosity begets gratitude and gratitude begets generosity. The two go together. Both are spiritual practices that enhance our lives.

I am grateful for the generosity of spirit you granted me as I made my way into the life of your congregation this year—

—a year that has been like no other. I have come to know that you are generous and gracious people. You have met each challenge with flexibility and creativity, coming through amazingly intact as a congregation. Not unscathed, but intact. I have come to know that together, you have a tenacious spirit and a can-do attitude that has served you well in the past and will carry you into the future. It is exciting for me to be on this leg of the journey with you.

It is also hard to believe that the end of this church year is almost upon us. Truly a season of gratitude. With Religious Education Sunday last week. and All Music Sunday coming up this week, and the Annual Congregational Meeting coming up on June 13, I give thanks to all who give so generously of themselves to make FUUN the special place it is.

As the church year winds down and the world begins to open up a bit more, I hope that you will pause and remember all the ways FUUN makes a difference in your life and in the greater Nashville community. Remember, too, it is your generosity of time, talent, and treasure that makes it all possible.

I remind you that the church will be closed the week of May 24 – May 30, giving staff and volunteers some needed time off for rest and restoration.

One last note – it has come to my attention that the most current issue of the UU World magazine included a death notice for The Reverend William “Bill” Welch who died on November 15, 2020. Rev. Welch served for a time as Director of Religious Education at FUUN. He was much loved by the congregation. We will be sure to find a way to honor his life and legacy when we are able to come back together in person.

May we move through the coming days with gratitude and generosity. By these, the world moves forward and is renewed.

Yours in shared ministry,
Rev. Diane