Mid-week Message

from the Assistant Minister

July 6, 2021


What’s new? How is the texture of your life changing in this still-worried, maybe less-worried, somewhat newly-worried-again time? We have been busy re-entering, re-opening, and returning to the people, places, and activities that were abruptly left or drastically altered many long months ago. Maybe take a moment to pause and consider how that really feels for you.  

Here’s a bit of how it’s been for me: 

Last Sunday, after worship and our Zoom social hour, I went over to the social hall for the in-person social hour. I saw people—their whole, entire bodies! (masked, of course)—in our church building!  

It was amazing:  

Entering the door: People! In the building!   
Down the hallway: People! In the building! 
Around the corner: People! In the building!  
Talking in small groups: People! In the social hall!  

The fact of other people in the building was not a surprise: I’d registered ahead of time and even saw the registration list and knew who was coming, but still, something inside me was surprised, and elated, and also a little unsure. Which color wristband should I wear? (I decided on yellow.) Could I take my mask off to drink the water I brought with me? (I did, very briefly, once or twice.) Will I remember names? (mostly, thank goodness.) Would we be touching each other, and how: fist bump? awkward spine-twisting, aim-testing elbow bump? (Turns out, not this time.)   

I talked with people I’ve seen many times on Zoom over the last year+ and others with whom I haven’t spoken for over a year and a half. It was wonderful, this long-denied experience of being with precious people in the space that has become precious to us because it is our space, the home we have made together. It made me smile and talk with my hands and want to write with lots of exclamation marks! 

And I was exhausted for the remainder of the day: just done thinking and deciding and managing life. I was glad to be at home where I know how to act and how the people sharing my space are (probably) going to act.  

I am finding this to be a pattern lately: when I engage in some social activity involving more than just a few others in person (as opposed to online gatherings, to which I have become acclimated), I find later in the day that I need to slow down, give up plans to be productive, and take a nap or go to bed early. I do feel physically tired, but I know it’s really more about mental and emotional overload than it is physical exhaustion. I don’t feel bad, just more tired than makes sense, at least until I consider what I’ve been doing and how long it’s been since I last practiced all those used-to-be-automatic social skills.  

That’s me; how’s it going for you? What’s catching you by surprise or inviting adjustments to your schedule or self-care strategies? May I suggest that you continue to take excellent care of yourself during this period of transition (or maybe just for always)? And extend a little extra grace to those around you, too. We are none of us quite the same as we were last time we were together. 

These are (still) very strange times, but wow, it was good to see some of you (in our church building!) last Sunday!  

With love & faith (and excitement!), 
Rev. Denise Gyauch

Assistant Minister of Congregational Engagement

P.S. If you’re interested in attending an in-person social hour on an upcoming Sunday (11 a.m.), please be sure to register in advance and bring a mask. Registration for each week is separate and opens at noon on the Sunday a week ahead and closes at noon on Saturday the day before. Find the link below to register before Saturday, July 10 at noon for the social on July 11; maybe I’ll see you there!