Mid-week Message

from the Stewardship Chair

Sept. 1, 2021

Dear Friends,

Self 2It seems we just can’t catch a break.  Turmoil in Afghanistan, floods in the south, fires out west, oppressive heat everywhere. And just when we thought the pandemic might be in the rearview mirror, we’re back to overburdened hospitals and mask-wearing.

To cope, some may sing, some may cry, some may even put on fancy clothes and take on a different persona. (You’ll hear about that during Sunday’s service.) One thing that all who are reading this email have in common is the comfort of a welcoming and loving community – a community where we are nurtured and healed.

A community is many things. It’s broadly defined as a group of diverse individuals who share common interests and perspectives. It provides a lens through which its members see the world.  Henri Nowen, the Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian wrote, “However, community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.” In order for a community to flourish and make a difference in the world, it needs leaders. It needs a common vision.  And equally as important, a community needs commitment.

Our annual stewardship campaign is one (big) way we demonstrate our commitment to FUUN. Your commitment and love poured through in our “Journey Toward Wholeness” campaign this past spring. While there was much to celebrate, we did end up a little short of meeting the financial needs for the current church year. So, in conjunction with our slow and steady reopening, we’re launching a special fundraiser to close the gap. Look for details below and on the FUUN website about the fundraiser as well as a special celebration happening on the church lawn on Sept. 19.

On Sunday, we hope you will listen to UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray talk about how communities can be transformational. They change lives and save lives. There’s a moment in every service for an offering. Let this be an opportunity to make a special gift to our community.  

Open the Door…

 Open the door
Join other FUUN members, friends, and Silversonix for an in-person, outdoor celebration on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 19.  We’ll begin gathering at 12:30 p.m., and the music will start at 1 p.m. Bring your own picnic lunch, spread out a blanket, and enjoy being together while listening to some great music.  Masks will be encouraged while mixing and mingling, as will social distancing. Everyone will be required to register once they arrive so that contact-tracing can be implemented if needed.

If you haven’t heard Silversonix, youSilversonix 5’re in for a treat. Band leader Tom Surface is known for putting together many iterations of classic rock bands over the years. When he invited Sheri DiGiovanna to join in on vocals in 2018, the band added pop and country tunes to its repertoire. Band members are Tom Surface (guitar, band leader), Sheri DiGiovanna (vocals), Jim Surface (guitar), James Collins (bass), Victoria Harris (drums), and Joe Warner (keys). The name Silversonix was chosen to pay tribute to the decades, not only representing the span of their music but also the age span of the band members.  

…Close the Gap
While we’re celebrating the slow and cautious opening of our doors, we’ll also be promoting a special fundraiser to close the gap in our budget. This past Stewardship Campaign, as remarkable as it was under such unique circumstances, fell a little short of its goal. We need to raise another $90,000 to make up this gap. 

The great news is that the FUUN Trust has agreed to match all donations to this special fundraiser up to $50,000!  So that we don’t waste a penny of this generous match, we’re looking for all members and friends to make a one-time special gift to reach a total goal of $100,000.  Make a gift today by going to firstuunash.org, clicking on “Give” on the blue banner at the very top of the page, and selecting “Give to Close the Gap Fundraiser.” 

-Richard Bird
Chair, Stewardship Committee