Mid-Week Message

from the Developmental Lead Minister

April 26, 2022 

“Nobody lives without ritual. Rituals do not live without somebody.”
                                                                   -Robert Fulghum
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The season of spring rituals is upon us. Some rituals are like markers of time on the wheel of the year. Others are like markers of time on the wheel of life. Each ritual becomes a touchstone. It anchors us to the present: this place, these people, this moment. It creates a memory which can be like a touchstone, calling us back to a special moment in space and time. Ritual connects past, present, and future. Each ritual reminds us of all those that came before. Each graduation ceremony we attend, for example, either reminds us of our own or creates anticipation of a graduation yet to come. The continuity of ritual over time assures us of an unfolding future. Ritual builds resilience.

In these past two years, our accustomed rituals have been disrupted, changed, and altered – but not abandoned, at least not entirely. We have found ways to acknowledge the passages of time and of life, sometimes awkwardly, sometimes creatively. Even the choice to skip or postpone a certain ritual is an acknowledgement.

Three important rituals in the life of the congregation are happening in May: a Flower Communion on May 1, a Child Dedication ceremony on May 8, and a New Member Recognition on May 22. As Robert Fulghum points out, “Nobody lives without ritual. Rituals do not live without somebody.”  I do hope you will make a special effort to be present for these important rituals. All will be open to participation either in person or on Zoom.

If you have a child of any age to be dedicated, please contact me at leadminister@firstuunash.org.

Yours in shared ministry,