Mid-week Message

from our Developmental Lead Minister

March 30, 2021

The exodus from Egypt occurs in every human being, in every era, in every year, and in every day.” Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

diane smallerThis is a holy week, holy days for Jews who celebrate Passover and for Christians who observe Easter. The themes of these holy days are being lived out in our lives right now. After a year of plagues, the rule of empire, with all its addictions, isms, and phobias, still reigns. COVID-19 has not yet released its grip. Passover’s promise of freedom has yet to come. The stone has yet to be rolled away from the Easter tomb. New life has yet to be resurrected from the old. Still, we dare to strive for liberation, dare to hope for a rebirth of the spirit. The release we yearn for is close at hand, the dawn of a new beginning is on the horizon.

In this season, reopening is foremost in our minds. Just as the buds of spring open in their own time, so  it will be with reopening the church for in-person worship and other programming. Your Reopening Task Force is hard at work and plans to have recommendations for your Board of Directors to consider at their April meeting.

The Unitarian Universalist Association has released new guidance and resources for congregations which you can find here: uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/between-time.

May these holy days of spring unfold and open new ways of being and thinking, ways that will lead us into ever greater freedom and a new understanding of the promise that life renews itself again and again.

Yours in shared ministry,
Rev. Diane 