Getting to Know You

Please consider posting your picture and information in Breeze, so people can identify and get to know you.

During the time the church has been closed to in-person meetings, many of us have sorely missed seeing each other face-to-face. The brave souls who have visited our services – and even joined our church – without meeting any of us in person, have a real hurdle in trying to make connections. It is hard to meet people that we cannot see!

In order to facilitate more relationships between new and old members, the Board urges everyone to add their picture to their Breeze profile, along with any other information they are willing to share. To add your picture, go into your profile, right click on the photo icon. You will see an option to upload a photo. For other information, click on the section heading (such as “Main”) and you will see a menu for changes.

Additionally, it is helpful to keep your camera on during Zoom services, so that others can learn who you are. Thank you for staying in touch.

FUUN Board