The majority of Unitarian Universalists come into the denomination from other
religions; often there have been several stops along the path into our congregations.

Some bring with them angry and unresolved feelings about experiences in other religious institutions, others have warm memories. Some move easily into an identity as a Unitarian Universalist; others experience a traumatic estrangement from family and from the center of their culture.

We can be most fully and completely present in our religious identity when we see our path as a continuum rather than a series of unrelated episodes. Because we are usually more certain of what we left in another religion than what we
bring forward from it, some tools are needed by which people may establish
connections, bridges, and resonances between past and present. Such activity also provides clues about the possible future direction of those paths.

This workshop is not just for “converts.” Longtime and life-long Unitarian
Universalists also experience change, sometimes profoundly, in their religious identity. This workshop is enriched by the participation of people of varying tenure as Unitarian Universalists.

We recommend that those interested in this course attend ALL sessions as they build on one another. 

Sessions are scheduled for April 9, 16, and 23rd from 11:30-2pm in the Fireside room. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lunch or snacks. All course materials will be supplied.